Our Story

Send 123's Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective Approach
Send 123 is dedicated to the procurement of business supplies. Send 123 is a certified B Corp who is disrupting the market for business supplies for large corporations and small businesses. Send 123 helps businesses save money, control costs and be more eco-friendly with its 100% carbon neutral supply chain and Smart Technology powered ordering platform.
Send 123 helps businesses with product sourcing and order financing technologies. To date, Send 123 has fulfilled more than 36,000 orders totalling over $38 Million in lifetime revenues on its proprietary software.
During the pandemic, when supply chains broke down and first responders in healthcare were without protection, Send 123 designed and built supply chain and inventory management software that allowed Send 123 to helpfirst responders stay safe. Ultimately, Send 123 was able to distribute: 126,153,717 face masks, 39,033,400 nitrile gloves, 768,275 rapid test kits, and 44,845 face shields within North America and around the globe on its Send 123 technology.

Maximizing Efficiency with Eco-Friendly Business Supplies
Overall, Send 123 platform provides customers with access to a wide selection of eco products for their businesses, while providing them with an average 20% financial savings and 50% time savings. Since 2016, Send 123 clients have experienced a 90% decrease in ordering mistakes and been able to increase the recycled content of their purchasing by 229% recycled content.

100% Carbon Neutral
Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Over 182,000 Products. We have taken a deep dive into the supply chains of our top selling products across every category we offer to do a life cycle assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions from raw materials to a final product at your doorstep. With these product emissions calculations, we have calculated the carbon calculations explicitly across over 182,000 SKUs available on our platform.
We’ve tracked each product's shipping emissions between each stage of production, and from warehouse to distribution center, to your business. Our calculations were made with data from our own operations, our distributors, and our product manufacturers. Where specific data points were unavailable, such as the exact plastic mixture of a pen, we used publicly available information on materials processing, and proprietary emissions factors to create the most accurate as possible.
Tracking Environmental Impact and Encouraging Sustainable Choices
The overall finding is that Send 123 customers are encouraged to choose more eco-forward products in comparison to what they might have bought previously from other suppliers. Send 123 also has a live tracker on its website that shows all the good our customers are doing for the environment. The display is a running total from the past year and reflects what’s been realized by Send 123 customers through their purchasing over this time period:
Partner with Send 1-2-3 & Unlock the Full Potential of Your Business Today!
Get Sourcing
To save money and time with our single vendor partner source for curated, high-quality business essentials and supplies.
Get Trade Credit
To secure your Trade Credit to pay your suppliers and unlock new opportunities for your business.
Get eCommerce
To take your eCommerce website, customer service and warehouse fulfillment to the next level.