Our Guarantee

100% Accuracy & Satisfaction
We offer a 100% no hassle 6 month guarantee and FREE returns on all of our products (except PPE). We are nice Canadians. We will be fair to you, and we would appreciate the same in return.For safety reasons, all PPE purchases are not returnable.You can return unopened (non PPE) items that are in re sellable condition. Send it back to us & get a credit or full refund and we will send you a free postage prepaid mailing label to get the unwanted product back to us.
We want you to be 100% happy with your order. Therefore, we offer a 100% guarantee. That means that, your order can be returned for any of the following reasons:
- You do not like it.
- You like it. But you don’t need it.
- You changed your mind. Or your boss changed his/her mind.
- You like everything about the order. But your boss doesn’t.
- There is an issue with the products we sent you.
- The list goes on.
Except PPE for health and sanitary reasons
In short, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase for any reason, simply return your purchase. Return shipping is on us!All of our products are 99% defect free and have been inspected and thoroughly tested to ensure they are of the highest quality.For more details on our warranty, refunds and return policy, click here. Or, you can initiate a claim now.