Going Green In The Office – Part 2: Green Office Supplies

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Go Green

Here at Send 123, we are always saving you money, and helping you make greener, more ethical purchases.

In our previous blog, we looked at using technology to go greener. There are also a number of lower tech ways to go green in your office, or your home office.

Eliminate single use cups - try carrying a reusable bottle or thermos for your water or coffee.

Use energy saving lights - It goes without saying that anywhere we work should be well lit, but this need can also be met in an eco friendly manner. LED lights conserve energy and last much longer than standard lights bulbs brightly illuminating the room.

Adjust your thermostat - Adjusting your thermostat 2 degrees up in the summer and 2 degrees down in the winter cans save up to 2,000lbs of carbon dioxide per year. The higher your thermostat reads in the summer months, the more energy and money you will save in the long run.

Use Natural Light - Open the blinds and let daylight in wherever possible. And do not leave the lights on at night when everybody is gone.

Environmentally friendly stationery - to start a sustainable office environment, simply make a list of all the sustainable office supplies you use and research earth-friendly alternatives like recycled notebooks, and recycled paper.

Make your office literally green with plants! The benefits of the office plants are numerous. In addition to their aesthetic value, plants can help reduce your office\'s carbon emissions as well as naturally purify the air in your office or home. Plus having plants in the office or your home office provide a great psychological uplift, and make a space more comfortable for everybody.

man at laptop drinking coffee

There are many ways to make your office more sustainable, some more intensive, and resource-dependent with affordable office supplies. We hope our posts show how easy it is to go green, and how going green benefits everyone: your business, your employees, and of course, the entire planet.

Environmentally friendly stationery - to start a sustainable office environment, simply make a list of all the sustainable office supplies you use and research earth-friendly alternatives like recycled notebooks, hand towels and copy paper that contain recycled paper.

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