Going Green In The Office – Part 1: Tech Solutions

Going green in the office – Part 1: Tech solutions
With some greener habits and simple products your office will be on its way to earning some serious eco-friendly bragging rights. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair and now Rethink – here are some easy ways to going green in the office and often save money in the process. We\'ll start with your technology.
Eliminate waste in printing - Only print when you need to.
Go digital – Increasing numbers of digital storage devices and systems for business make going digital very easy to do.
Eco friendly printer paper – You can look for paper that has been made with more sustainable substances like bamboo, hemp, or organic cotton. There are many choices to fit every need and budget.
Power Down & Unplug – Get into the habit of turning off electricity when it is not in use. Turn off lights and unplug electronics when they are not in use to save energy.
Eliminate Screen savers – Standby mode and screen savers still use a lot of energy. Give your computer and the electricity at the office a well- deserved break.
Donate or recycle old electronics – Electronics recycling and IT Equipment waste disposal services, here the information:
Where Can I Recycle? - Recycle My Electronics Ontario
Decrease the brightness on your computer monitor – The brighter your screen is, the more power it’s using up. Dim down your screen brightness to save energy and reduce eyestrain. If you have an animated screensaver, get rid of it.
Turn off your computer monitor at night – When you leave the office for the day, turn off your computer monitor, computer, and electronic devices completely instead of setting them in standby mode when they are not in use.
Use Green Cleaning Products – Environmentally friendly cleaning products protect the health of not only your cleaning staff but also your employees, by eliminating harmful substances and orders from the office.
A good example is our Green Works Bathroom cleaner spray combines with 99% naturally derived and a plant-based ingredient.Whether you make major structural changes or commit to something as easy as using recycled paper, any steps you take to make your office more energy-efficient and less wasteful are steps in the right direction.